
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A-Z Likes

a- I like apples
b- my names Braeden
c- cranberry's are good
d- dinosaurs are cool
e- I wanna go to Egypt
f- I like football
g- I like to golf
h- I like honey
I- Ice fishing is fun
j- I like to jump
k- kangaroos are cool
l- I have ligma
m- monkeys are cool
n- I don't like the night
o- I like the ocean
p- I like people
q- i don't like questions
r- i have a friend named ryan
s- i hate snakes
t- i like turtles
u- i like Utah
v- Valasarapturs are cool
w- word starts with w
x-i had a x-ray yesterday
y- Yosef is my friend
z- zebras are cool

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